The Venus Factor - Weight Loss Program For Women Review

                                                         The Venus Factor

 The venus factor programs main principle called the Venus index. The Venus index is calculated by using your waist, height and hip measurements for your body. The ideal target number should be 38% of your height. Next you multiply your ideal size by 1.42 to get your ideal shoulder measurement.

From the number you calculated with the Venus index this will give you the areas which you need to focus on to get the shape you want. One unique thing about this program is that obviously over weight people will need to lose weight, but if you too skinny The Venus Factor tells you if you need to gain weight. Which is very unique for a diet or weight loss program to tell you to gain weight

How does The Venus Factor help you lose weight? 

Your weight is not your fault. Whether our bodies burn fat or just become chubbier is controlled by our sensitivity to a hormone called Leptin. As we get older, and especially after having children, women’s bodies naturally become more resistant to Leptin. And when this happens we stop burning fat and start storing it instead.

The key to the Venus Factor method of weight loss is that it has been created specifically to reverse Leptin resistance in women. It does this by using a combination of dietary changes and a 12 week exercise plan.

The Venus Factor Introduction 

    The Venus Factor is a completely new and promising approach to weight loss which is guaranteed to help anyone lose weight. It is designed to help you lose as many pounds as you want in a record time. It took me around 8 months to achieve my goals, but depending on your size, you may be able to complete it sooner than me. This program is specifically designed for women because we know women body functions very differently from men; hence it is highly recommended that women try this out. But it doesn’t hurt to test it out if you are a man. From the ground level, the Venus Factor has been designed to be the fastest, safest and reliable way of losing weight in record times. The Venus Factor takes a new approach that makes sure that you develop critical muscles in your body to help melt away the fat that is stuck in it, all the while keeping you less stressed about religiously following it. Yes, this means that you can sneak in your favorite snacks or pizza while you are on the program. It uses a diet plan which is commonly known as the Leptin diet, a diet that has shown amazing results. I am just going to talk about it in a minute. With its base as a Leptin Diet, The Venus Factor provides you an ultimate way to cut on fat and keep the fail ratio low. Just how exactly does it do that? Let’s find out.
If you are still unsure about The Venus Factor, just go try it out for FREE! Yes, you heard it right. The Venus Factor comes with 60 day money back guarantee. If you don’t get the expected results in a given time, feel free to give it back and get all your money back. Nice huh? Good luck now and never lose hope. Remember Persistence, Consistence and Patience and nothing will come in your way.

Here is to losing weight and feeling great!
                    click here the venus factor program

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